P. 18


          framework for the use of research generated by universities   Research potential and
          and the strengthening of innovation at research centres   utilisation of technology
          and tertiary education institutes through the Research,
          Technological Development and Innovation (RTDI) system.
                                                               Support of the high technology and innovation industries is
          Revision of the law on the transfer of technology, inventions
                                                               considered by business to be a crucial priority in maintaining
          and technological innovation is extremely important for
                                                               Greece’s competitive position as an investment destination.
          enhancing the country’s research potential and innovation
                                                               Research potential, as regards both business and research
          in general. Academic staff are now allowed to participate in
                                                               institutions, is a decisive factor in this effort. At the macro-
          startup boards of directors, and researchers are exempted
                                                               economic level, according to Eurostat, Greece has a signifi-
          from having to comply with the single payroll system when
                                                               cant margin for improvement in its scores in both technolo-
          they take part in research programmes that have private
                                                               gy and innovation in order to converge with the EU average.
          sector participants or are funded by the EU.
                                                               According to the indices examined, Greece shows a sig-
          Additionally, the introduction of a single institutional opera-
                                                               nificant weighted average increase, over time, in applica-
          tional framework to facilitate the participation of researchers
                                                               tions for and absorption of direct competitive European
          and academics in the establishment of spinoffs is a bold
                                                               funding (FP7, Horizon Europe), much higher (66%) than
          move in converting the country’s research output into busi-
                                                               the corresponding European score (49%), highlighting the
          ness applications. Moreover, the establishment of a frame-
                                                               considerable push by academics and researchers in this
          work for technology transfer offices at universities, research
                                                               direction. Nonetheless, much can still be improved in terms
          centres and tech hubs in order to develop the necessary
                                                               of establishing stronger links between R&D and entrepre-
          structures, procedures and human resources that are a key
                                                               neurship. The public and private sectors, universities and
          pillar for advancing innovation.
                                                               research institutions can cooperate and carry out applied
                                                               research to boost the productivity and extroversion of the
          Finally, the provision of incentives for the development of
                                                               Greek economy.
          businesses through partnerships and business transforma-
          tions is a significant move and includes exemption (up to
                                                               In 2020, despite the pandemic, the Greek ecosystem contin-
          30%) from payment of income tax for each of the cooperat-
                                                               ued to grow, making the most of support measures and new
          ing individuals on actual pre-tax profits (Law 4935/2022).
                                                               technologies. In 2021, the Greek startup ecosystem contin-
                                                               ued this upward trend, achieving record numbers in terms
                                                               of financing and acquisitions that contribute to promoting
                                                               Greece as an innovation hub in Southeast Europe. Mean-
                                                               while, the Development Law also provided incentives for
                                                               the development of R&D efforts by businesses. There has
                                                               been a considerable increase in direct EU funds earmarked
                                                               for research and innovation at research institutions (research
                                                               centres and universities), and Greek institutions absorbed
                                                               funding to a considerable extent.
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