P. 16


          •   Investment interest by foreign companies and investors   •   Tech and/or industry ecosystems and clusters must be
             in our country is high. Given that 20% of investments   developed, modelled on those in advanced countries
             globally are in life sciences and health, fintech, and   (see Mittelstand in Germany), to make it possible for
             artificial intelligence, targeted steps must be deter-  knowledge, resources, and supply chains to be shared
             mined to attract investments based on Greece’s specific   and talent and capital to be attracted, thus creating a
             competitive advantages and priorities. Nonetheless, the   virtuous circle to reinforce prior good performance.
             legal framework must be further expanded to enable
                                                               •   Due to the small size of the domestic economy, which is
             innovative entrepreneurship and accelerate startup
                                                                   based on fragmented business arrangements, incentives
                                                                   must be provided to encourage Greek startups as well
          •   Technology, beyond the relevant sector activities, must   as established SMEs to rapidly scale up and internation-
             also be embraced as a horizontal driver of modernisa-  alise. A priority must be made of encouraging risk-tak-
             tion and competitiveness for companies. Innovation and   ing in the investment community and among inno-
             technological transformation are the only way forward   vators, and of enhancing the role of private equity, in
             for the survival and further recovery of industries and   the form of risk capital or venture capital, in early- and
             the economy. Greek universities and research cen-     growth-stage startups. Public financing tools can serve
             tres remain excellent producers of knowledge, chiefly   to mitigate risk and increase the visibility of business
             through publications. Nevertheless, the conversion of   opportunities.
             research results into business ventures must be ap-
             proached with prudence; establishing channels of col-  •   Greek funds (angel investors, VCs, private equity, etc.)
             laboration between universities in Greece and between   are maturing and are now capable of proceeding to
             Greek universities and their counterparts abroad will   the next stage, strengthened both in terms of capital
             contribute towards this by increasing students’ interdis-  managed and ticket size, partly filling the gaps in Series
             ciplinary exposure. It is also very important that startups   A funding for innovative startups. In the future, they
             are monitored and supported throughout the different   will have to fund all development stages of startups
             stages of development and through to maturity, in     demonstrating extroversion and considerable scalability
             line with best practices set by businesses and relevant   potential. Moreover, partnerships between Greek funds
             research institutions abroad. This can also be achieved   and their foreign counterparts and the establishment
             by creating strong links between larger companies     of links with an ecosystem of larger global companies,
             and university and research teams and promoting       will expose managers to assessment methodologies,
             substantive interaction between them to ensure that   enabling them to proceed to specialisation based on
             research results address contemporary problems and    the respective risk profiles.
             needs of consumers and society. Finally, it is essential
                                                               •   There is a plethora of national and European financing
             that research organisations readjust their research
                                                                   tools for investments needed to modernize the econo-
             interests towards activities that can attract funding. All
                                                                   my that focus on SME as well as public sector innova-
             in all, there must be strategic planning in regard to the
                                                                   tion. The Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF), the new
             country’s research centres as a whole, setting thematic
                                                                   Development Law, the new fund-of-funds, the NSRF,
             priorities while also taking advantage of synergies and
                                                                   and the funds aiming at just territorial transition and
             developing production capacity as needed.
                                                                   carbon footprint reduction are all specialised, target-
                                                                   ed tools for addressing different needs. Together they
                                                                   define a favourable landscape for enhancing business
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