P. 12


          The significant deviation in score and, by extension, in rank   European Innovation
          of indicators concerning sources of innovation (inputs) as   Scoreboard
          well as how effectively these are utilised (outputs) clearly
          demonstrates Greece’s innovation deficit. Case in point, on
                                                               According to the European Commission’s European Inno-
          average in the last five years, Greece has achieved 90% of
                                                               vation Scoreboard (EIS) 2022, Greece’s performance on
          the EU-27 score on Innovation Inputs (mean score of EU
                                                               innovation at the European level has improved significantly
          countries), while its score on Innovation Outputs stands at
                                                               over time. In the period 2015–2022, Greece’s innovation
          just 67% of the EU-27 score.
                                                               performance increased by 24.1%, compared to an EU rate
                                                               of just 9.9% during the same period. Specifically, Greece’s
          Among the country’s strengths is its expenditure on R&D,
                                                               strongest innovation indicators concern innovative SMEs
          with Greece ranking 31st of 132 countries globally (down
                                                               (Product innovators, Business process innovators, and Sales
          from 16th in 2021), followed by its performance on infra-
                                                               of innovative products), Linkages (particularly in terms of
          structure, where it holds 46th place in the global ranking. In
                                                               public-private partnerships), as well as Employment in in-
          the Institutions pillar, which concerns stability in the political
                                                               novative enterprises. In contrast to the DESI, it appears that
          and business environment, it ranked 69th, down from 51st
                                                               SME innovation centres on non-digitally intensive products
          in 2021. Meanwhile, the Greek innovation ecosystem per-
                                                               and processes.
          formed significantly better in Market Sophistication, up five
          places year-on-year, but still with plenty of room to improve.
                                                               At the other end of the spectrum, the country’s perfor-
          Meanwhile, Greece ranks 112th of 132 countries on Univer-
                                                               mance declined in Environment-related technologies and
          sity-industry R&D collaboration, underlining the opportunity
                                                               in indicators related to education. Despite this and despite
          the country has to turn research output into development.
                                                               the significant progress achieved by Greece since 2015—al-
                                                               ways according to the EIS 2022 report—our country ranks
          Notably, among the Innovation Inputs (sub-)pillars, Greece
                                                               20th in the EU-27, with performances close to the European
          ranks high on two key indicators: Tertiary enrolment and
                                                               average. The Moderate Innovators group, to which Greece
          (availability of) Graduates in science and engineering, which
                                                               belongs, includes member states whose performance ranges
          carries promise for elevating the level of innovation in
                                                               between 70% and 100% of the EU average. Greece stands at
          Greece. At the same time, according to the Global Innova-
                                                               80.2% of the EU average and below the average of Moder-
          tion Index 2022, Greece’s innovation performance in relation
                                                               ate Innovator group countries.
          to GDP can be further improved.
                                                               As regards the structural features of the innovation envi-
                                                               ronment in relation to the EU, Greece outperforms the EU
                                                               in the Innovation Profiles dimension, as the country’s share
                                                               of in-house innovators is higher than the EU average. The
                                                               indicators with the highest increase since 2021 are R&D
                                                               expenditures in the public sector, Product innovators and
                                                               Business process innovators, Job-to-job mobility of HRST,
                                                               and Medium- and high-tech goods exports. The upward
                                                               trend in the structural features of innovation may well lead
                                                               to the improvement of macroeconomic indicators in the
                                                               years to come.
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