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          THE PURPOSE OF                                       COMPETITIVENESS
          THIS REPORT                                          AND INNOVATION

          The main purpose of this report is to serve as a compass   While markets have undergone radical changes since Druck-
          for all policymakers at various levels, as well as for all those   er’s days, they nonetheless continue to pursue innovation,
          who support the effort to develop a dynamic methodology   because innovation is a fundamental driver of economic
          framework that allows certain goals to be achieved, namely:  progress that benefits consumers, businesses, and the econ-
                                                               omy in general.
          1.     extensive analysis of innovation initiatives that
          serve as a lever to foster and promote competitiveness in   In economic theory, the term innovation describes the
          business, shining a spotlight on the importance of creating   development and application of ideas and technologies that
          strong links between innovation, scientific research and   improve goods and services or make their production more
          business, as well as on the state and society, as perhaps the   efficient (ECB, 2017), contributing added value and elevating
          most critical factor in gaining competitive advantage and   them in the value chain.
          developing new impetus in the production and business
          model of Greece; and                                 Furthermore, the significance and impact of systematic mea-
                                                               surement of innovation processes is directly linked to the in-
          2.     systematic monitoring of the development over   teraction between innovation, improvements in competitive-
          time of Greece’s competitiveness, based on the analysis of   ness, and economic growth. By extension, and as thoroughly
          indices published by authoritative international organisa-  proven by empirical evidence, higher competitiveness is
          tions, and the submittal of calls to action in priority areas to   directly correlated to the level of prosperity of a society.
          address challenges concerning innovation, competitiveness
          and prospects for economic growth, taking into account   In response to the increasingly wider dissemination of
          relevant efforts that have been realised or are currently un-  technology and the progression of the Fourth Industrial
          derway in Greece, as well as the influence of various external   Revolution, in the last five years, the World Economic Forum
          forces.                                              (WEF) has introduced a modified methodology for assessing
                                                               economies and their competitiveness, with all pillars exam-
                                                               ined now weighted equally. It became clear that a country’s
          By examining all the above, we are able to determine key   GDP by itself cannot determine competitiveness unless it is
          priorities and put forth proposals to enhance the prospects   backed by strong innovation systems; consequently, com-
          of innovative businesses to further increase their compet-  petitiveness no longer hinges on the size of an economy,
          itiveness and achieve organic and sustainable growth. It is   and more weight is given to the economy’s fundamentals,
          worth noting that this is the Compass report’s third consec-  such as institutions, innovation capacity, business dynamism,
          utive year identifying the country’s main pillars of compet-  a suitably skilled workforce, health and labour costs as well
          itiveness. The focus of this year’s edition is on innovation,   as, of course, the possibility of long-term direct investment.
          underlining the fact that the adoption of innovation into
          business culture is a key priority in the effort to boost the
          competitiveness and strengthen the resilience of Greek
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