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          Digital Economy and                                  Eco Innovation
          Society Index (DESI)                                 Index

          Greece ranks 25th among 27 EU member states, according   According to the European Commission’s Eco Innovation
          to the 2022 edition of the European Commission’s Digital   Index 2021, Greece still ranks 16th in the EU-27, as it did in
          Economy and Society Index (DESI). According to the report,   2020. However, our country achieved the third-best annual
          the country has progressed well in recent years compared   performance in terms of score improvement, climbing six
          to other EU member states, proving that it is catching up,   places in the last decade among the EU-27 (from 22nd in
          after lagging in previous years. Progress is seen primarily   2012). Greece performed best in the Eco-Innovation Inputs
          in indicators concerning e-government and digital skills,   dimension, in which it ranks 9th in the EU-27, up from 18th
          while there is still room for improvement in networks and   in 2012. Nevertheless, the country is significantly below the
          the digital intensity of SMEs. Progress has been made in the   EU average in Eco-Innovation Outputs, Eco-Innovation Re-
          Connectivity dimension, particularly in very high capacity   source Efficiency Outcomes, and Eco-Innovation Activities.
          networks (VHCN) and 5G coverage; however, take up of
          at least 100 Mbps fixed broadband must yet increase, as it   It should be noted that the ranking of countries based on
          remains low (9%) compared to the EU average (41%); 5G   relevant indicators produces a historically lagging record of
          coverage (66%) can also be further improved to ensure   current conditions. Therefore, the need arises for a national
          access throughout the country.                       competitiveness observatory in every country, able to keep
                                                               up with the impacts of current events. Recent important
          In Digital Public Services, the number of active users of   developments and threats emerging from a volatile energy
          e-government services (69%) has increased since last year   landscape (for example, Russia’s war in Ukraine and rising
          and is 4% higher than the EU average, while Greece also   energy costs), as well as recent reforms cannot be easily
          made progress in the percentage of the population who   recorded.
          have at least basic digital skills, which at 52% is very close to
          the EU average of 54%. Greece is still lagging in Integration   With this report, we have endeavoured to analyse Greece’s
          of Digital Technology into business activities, performing be-  competitiveness, considering the impact of the main pillars
          low the EU average. Only 39% of SMEs demonstrate at least   of competitiveness and the positive feedback from key ele-
          a basic level of digital intensity, compared to the EU average   ments shaping innovation, such as the legal framework and
          of 55%. However, 20% of SMEs in Greece sell their goods   research potential, in order to highlight a number of factors
          and services online, a figure that exceeds the EU average of   that positively impact the ecosystem and competitiveness in
          18%, counterbalancing other challenges at the local level.   general.
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