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          Furthermore, these organisations keep promoting new initiatives    RECOMMENDATIONS AND PRIORITIES
          for enhancing skills through digital and other programmes, utilis-
          ing digital tools and establishing partnerships with major private
                                                               •   Institutional support of collaborations between uni-
          sector players (e.g. Google, Cisco), and thus indirectly contribut-  versities and the private sector, with an emphasis on

          ing to the creation of new companies.                    promoting internships and establishing channels of
                                                                   communication through agencies and communication
          As a result, the percentage of the population with at least basic   platforms, and other partnerships
          digital skills appears to be on an upward trend, but skills have
                                                               •   Assessment of the needs of the Greek economy and
          not yet reached the level required to make SMEs more produc-
                                                                   matching of labour market demand through skills
          tive. In terms of social capital—the sub-pillar that measures the   training and supply of skilled professionals, with further

          strength of personal and social relationships, institutional trust,   reinforcement of the Labour Market Diagnosis Mecha-
          social norms and civic participation—the country’s score has   nism (LMD)
          declined. Social capital is a key factor for competitiveness and
                                                               •   Reinforcement of the communication between inno-
          has played a fundamental role in the resilience of economies   vative enterprises in the process of scaling up through
          and social bonds during the pandemic. Appropriate measures   innovation hubs and venture capital ecosystems, in
          are needed to reactivate and expand social networks following   order to accelerate their growth
          the pandemic. Both the state and the business community must   •   Utilisation of available Recovery and Resilience Fund

          cultivate a culture of trust and invest more heavily in digital tran-  resources and reform provisions to upgrade the educa-
          sition and in their organisation in the post-Covid era.   tional system and strengthen its links with the business
          Finally, Greece continued to perform comparatively well on
                                                               •   Dialogue and consultation between relevant stakehold-
          social integration, with high scores in providing access to basic
                                                                   ers, taking into account the results of studies already
          knowledge and advanced education. The importance of health   completed by agencies specialised in vocational train-
          and wellbeing, as well as growing public awareness of its signif-  ing, so as to improve the quality of vocational training
          icance, has also gained more attention in the period following
                                                               •   A mindset shift, across businesses, to ensure more
          the pandemic. And of course, the inverted demographic pyramid
                                                                   enterprises understand workforce training to be an
          continues to pose a challenge for Greek society.         investment rather than an expense

                                                               •   Strengthening of efforts to disseminate good practices
                                                                   across stakeholders, so as to enhance collaborations
                                                                   between a greater number and more diverse range of
                                                                   stakeholders in Greece and abroad, and ensure these
                                                                   become regular practice

                                                               •   Bolstering the governance of the overall lifelong learn-
                                                                   ing system, to improve its resilience towards market
                                                                   fluctuations and make it multi-participatory, so that the
                                                                   necessary funds can be promptly secured

                                                               •   Increase the return of and/or attract of mid and senior
                                                                   level executives, regardless of age, to Greece
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